Saturday, September 17, 2016

Like a fine wine...

I've recently noticed that several of my former students have written posts relating to coping and dealing with different issues. I feel for them and what they are going through, but also I am proud of how they are learning and growing as adults. But, I must admit, I am really happy (ecstatically so) that I am at experience and an age where I'm mellowed. I remember the angst, stress, and confusion of becoming independent, learning how to relate to others, leaving the nest. And though, I continue moment by moment to try to become a better me, a lot of things that would have upset me in my youth, I've realized really weren't about me or my life or were problems I didn't need to own. So, my wish for those 'young uns' is to keep the though that everything will be ok and to be patient. And to relax.

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